Tuesday, November 13, 2018

No checklist

Sad news, I have learned that Hallmark is not putting together a checklist for next year (2019) and possible discontinuing it all together. This is very disappointing, I was very much looking forward to the checklist possible coming out soon. I have heard that Popminded's instagram will be making announcements of releases and they will still be doing sneak peeks at the conventions.


  1. Is this for UK or US? I've just seen Harry Potter and Steamboat Minnie in the supermarket.

    1. The US, but it could be all counties. It's the checklist only, they are still continuing to making itty bittys.

  2. It may sound silly, but I am okay with this. Hallmark seems to have difficulty hitting their targets, especially when new characters that were not originally announced on the checklist are brought to market. It seems to upset their flow. Not having a list will permit more opportunity for them to put out characters as they can, when they can.

    1. And the FB groups and this page posting updates as much as possible helps all of us keep a pretty decent track record. :)
