Thursday, April 4, 2019

Get Ready!

    Be on watch! Jango Fett's placeholder is up in the online store (See Here). He isn't in stock yet, so we will be watching for when he is. He is an online exclusive and, unlike the last one, he IS pictured with the ' exclusive' tag!


  1. Man that sold out quick. Hopefully they have more inventory.

  2. They always put new listings up for a few days showing "sold out" before they add in their initial inventory to sell. So they haven't sold any yet to my knowledge. Or are you saying this already showed in stock and I missed it?

  3. I'm not sure honestly. It says "Out of Stock Online" so I just assumed I had missed out. Maybe it actually hasn't gone on sale yet

  4. Placeholders in the online store normally say 'Out of Stock' to start with, they say this even though they haven't never been in stock. From all I have seen and heard, he hasn't been available yet. I don't think we have missed him.
