Wednesday, January 8, 2020

New Year

Happy New Year!
      I apologize for the lack of news, but I just haven't been able to find any. I asked Hallmark about releases for this month and they said they would look into it but haven't gotten back with me. I will try again. They are probably counting the Valentines Octopus and Snoopy as January releases.
      As for what to look forward to this year here is a re-post picture of itty bittys we learned about this past October. We also know from then that Hallmark also mentioned Wonder Woman itty bittys like her gold costume and Cheeta which we don't have pictures from.
    I think we will probably see the Trolls (April) and Wonder Woman (June) itty bittys released close to the movie release dates.


  1. do you guys know when the port itty bitty is coming out I love the lodge and I have been waiting for them to come out.

    1. We have no dates yet. When I learn anything I will post it.

    2. Thanks you guys have been really helpful with your itty bittys news and I'm grateful for that.

  2. Happy New Year!!! Thank you so much for working hard to bring us all this news and information! I can't wait for all the re-releases. It makes me hopeful for the classics that never got wide release like Winter Soldier and the Violet.

    1. So glad it's helpful! It would be nice to see those re-released in stores!
