Tuesday, July 16, 2019

New Snoopy

Photo credit to theluckypennyllc

    I haven't been able to confirm this(UPDATE: He has been confirmed!), but the tag sure looks real and with the lack of a checklist anything is possible! Found this picture of Snoopy in a pumpkin suit. We had heard about Snoopy as an astronaut, so this is a new one. So if you spot him at your store be sure to let us know! I believe the Halloween products are starting to come out soon, so if he is real, he could be showing up in stores soon!

Photo credit to masterpcollects


  1. He’s shown up at my store, and I got him this weekend so he’s definitely real and adorable!

  2. I got it too...and I was able to get the Chewbacca with candy corn bandoleer too!

    1. Thank you for confirming and letting us know Chewbacca is hitting stores too!
