Tuesday, May 19, 2020


Photo credit to masterpcollects and ebay listings
     Here is some preview pictures of some upcoming itty bittys. No dates yet. Wonder Woman and Sirius Black could be coming soon since their pictures are from ebay listings (might mean they are showing up in some stores).

Mandalorian (Mandalorian) (due out Fall)
The Child aka Baby Yoda (Mandalorian) (due out Fall)
Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
Nearly Headless Nick (Harry Potter) - SE
Wonder Woman in gold armor - SE 
Squirrel Girl
Rubble (Paw Patrol)
Marshall (Paw Patrol)
Chase (Paw Patrol)
Sky (Paw Patrol)


  1. omg i can't wait for the paw patrol and the mandalorian itty bittys

  2. I asked popminded about the mandalorian and the child itty bitties and they said to keep an eye out this fall! Narrows it down a bit! I bet they’ll release it around the release of the second season in October!

  3. Thank you for keeping us up-to-date. I always check your blog for updates. I can't wait for baby yoda and nearly headless nick!
